Friday, 6 December 2019


I've read through most of the main Peggy Simkin classic on pregnancy and delivery; purchased as part of her series of classes and recommended by many friends. Would recommend this to anyone having a baby, borrowed it from the library but I think this is going to be one to own! Refresh and try again. The book is also specially marked so that certain important sections are easy to find in a hurry. To gain this knowledge is to feel more in tune with other human beings and our origins and capabilities, and to feel less powerless in the face of what seems like suffering it does involve pain but is in This book is an extremely detailed guide for anyone who wants to be able to help a woman in labor, which seems like a useful skill, given that half of us humans can and do bear children! I recommend this book for anyone preparing for a child birth, regardless of your birth preferences. the birth partner by penny simkin

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the birth partner by penny simkin

We're closing in on less than two weeks for our first birth and we've read MANY books relating to pregnancy and childbirth. The book also offers a ton of resources with a number of links to videos, references to websites and other books.

Summary Since the original publication of The Birth Partner, new mothers' mates, friends, and relatives and doulas professional birth assistants have relied on Penny Simkin's guidance in caring for the new mother from the last few weeks of pregnancy through the early postpartum period. After and penn Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth, for me this is the book to read if you're going to be involved in a birth.

The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin

On a side note, I had the distinct pleasure partneer doing some training with Penny, who wrote this book, and she is positively incredible. It explains the different types of labor including those that need medical intervention, though the medical information provided is light and not a substitute for a conversation with a doctor. By using our website you agree to our use hy cookies.

Penny Simkin is a midwife with extensive experience. Mar 18, Amanda rated it liked it Shelves: What is this co-parenting business?

The Birth Partner : A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas, and Other Labor Companions

Trivia About The Birth Partner. Its strength is parttner weakness, of course. Jul 04, Virginia rated it it was amazing. I just wish Simkin's editors would help her move into the 21st century a little more gracefully; it is glaringly obvious that additions were made to include same-sex couples and not only husbands.

George will definitely be reading. No trivia or quizzes yet. I usually use this book as a reference guide while working with women in labor doing doula work, and its amazing for that! Like the best power tools, this book has one partneg purpose and it does it well.

The Birth Partner : Penny Simkin :

By using our website you agree to our use of cookies. Refresh and try again. I've read through most of the main Peggy Simkin classic on pregnancy and delivery; purchased as part of her series of classes and recommended by many friends.

For the partner who wishes to be truly helpful in the birthing room, this book is indispensable.

You are the safest person for her to lash out at. Can't recommend it enough!

the birth partner by penny simkin

Books by Penny Simkin. Theres really no other book like it. Best book for a husband EVER!

[PDF] By Penny Simkin - The Birth Partner, Third Edition: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads,

Jul 18, Kirstin rated it it was amazing Shelves: Oct 15, Alec Longstreth rated it it was amazing. Many times we pwnny ourselves at ease about questions we had that were complete enigmas even with the internet or fleeting happenings we didn't think to research. In Penny's view, it is all about choices and making informed decisions. This book was given to us by close partnfr with a recent birth and their doula gifted it to them.

If you find yourself wandering out of the core subject matter, you may want to delve into other books. It also bg the different styles of birth from home births to hospitals and natural labor to different medications that can be used. I and my wife have acted on several things this book suggests, and its advice has proven invaluable to me. She encourages this by talking about the pros and cons of every major birth decision and presents the facts honestly.

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